Friday Songs & Photobombs
Friday Songs & Photobombs
Not 'Just' Episode #2
As we get our feet wet in the podcast community, we learn the importance of keeping it 'raw'. We try a 'one take' kind of approach to this episode with fewer edits and a natural flow to the conversation. Episode two includes the all-important High Four Salute at the 4:20 mark, stories of the latest Pedro shenanigans, a live acoustic version of a new original song titled, Hey Stranger, and we talk about how we've been using that song to make people smile and encourage others to do the same. We have updates on the status of original song recordings in the Radar Love Records studio with Glass Tiger's Michael Hanson, as well as discussions that touch on important topics in education, stories of inspiration and friendship and some hints about exciting things to come! Listen now to find out why we say, this is not 'just' the 2nd podcast in our series!